
APSI offers a range of treatments which are based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT examines the links between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. CBT helps identify and challenge negative thinking patterns and beliefs, tests them out and tries to replace them with more helpful thinking or helpful strategies to manage difficulties

Sessions can be offered by video-link or phone, if a client can’t attend in person

APSI offers a range of CBT interventions based on the needs of clients and their wishes

One-to-one (1:1) Brief CBT

This involves having up to 6 sessions with a team member

Guided Self-Help (GSH)

You are provided with booklets and worksheets tailored to your difficulties and are supported by a team member by both telephone/video and face-to-face contact over 6 weeks

Computerised CBT (cCBT)

This is an online course (offered via Silvercloud) in which clients will have access to videos and learning materials based on the priniciples of CBT. Clients are supported to work through the course over 8 weeks.

Group Skills Workshop

You are offered a place within a group (e.g. stress management group) of up to 12 people. Group sessions are 1.5 hours and are facilitated by two team members. Groups run over 5 weeks

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